Wednesday, 20 May 2009

THE BUNKER at The Centre of the Universe

The Centre of the Universe is a nomadic art space I run with Catherine Borra, Nina Trivedi, Olivia Hegarty, Gedvile Bunikyte & Jordan Hunt. We organise art exhibitions and events in spaces we have access to for free.

Our next event which is curated by Catherine Borra is titled THE BUNKER.

Not quite an exhibition, but a deep challenge to an environment. In an abandoned and unidentified post-war bunker, spreading out underneath Dalston, East London, this show is a response to the space it inhabits, and to the history it recalls.

THE BUNKER is propelled by the search for different spaces and modes of operation. Pushing our expectations for the future forward, we can trigger the motor of history to act, evolve and motion.

Please be in attendance.
Friday May 29th - 6-9pm
(The environment is very damp. Please wear appropriate shoes.)

(The Car Park end of) Abbot St, Hackney, London E8, UK

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